May 2021

As the UK economy opens up, here at Acorn HR we are pleased to Offer 10% discount on all our services for a limited period to all businesses.
Welcome to this our Spring edition of Acorn HR Services newsletter. Since the beginning of April, we have seen the restrictions imposed by lockdown being slowly lifted. Along with mist business we here at Acorn HR are so excited about the opportunities this will award us and our colleagues in SME’s who are now reviewing their future business plans. We hope that as decisions are made, we can offer help and support to local businesses when it comes to people management decisions.
We understand the impact that this pandemic has had on all our lives personal and professional, however, we are endeavouring to produce our newsletter with the hope that you will find it both interesting and informative.
We would still value input from our subscribers regarding specific subjects that are of interest and relevant to the current economic environment and employment, we are even happy to advertise your vacancies in our future editions.
This month we are going to cover HR Trends for 2021, Leadership, older workforce and what is happening in our local area.
As a business what are the priorities for your HR Department?
Moving forward in 2021 you may what to consider how your HR function operates, here are Acorn HR we have produced blogs which, include information that can give an insight into how your business can review your current status and what you may want to consider for the future:
What will HR look like in 2021:
Moving to a more agile HR structure:
priorities for HR leaders:
Working from Home:
Inclusion, Diversity and Equality:
Change leadership in a post-pandemic world
If we’ve learned anything from the pandemic, it’s that we have an enormous capacity to change. Business leaders thinking has changed seismically and we’ve embraced these three important principles:
We are fundamentally able to change, quickly, and in various ways;
Emotions are at the heart of our propensity to change;
Change is not a project. It is constant.
The coronavirus change paradox
The pandemic has accelerated the evolution of many industries. They’ve innovated, pivoted and demonstrated agility.
Others put everything on ice, waiting to return to the ‘new normal’. But the world has changed forever, and anyone waiting for things to go back to the old ways will flounder.
As leaders, we need to revisit our strategic fundamentals and lead change within people in order to effect change within organisations.
Making the changes we need to make
For the first time in two generations, humans experienced a sustained, global, traumatising event.
We’ve been through a collective bereavement, suffering all the classic symptoms. Finally, it looks as if we are heading for the last point on this curve – integration.
We now need to adapt our strategic thinking; five-year plans will be almost meaningless, but equally, we mustn’t fall into the trap of short-termism. There is genuine strength in flexibility – as long as we build our strategy on clear fundamentals: who our business exists to serve and why, what makes us special and what gives us the right to succeed.
We also need to focus on developing our people – treat them as individuals, and show them that being happy and healthy are not the outcomes from success, but the ingredients of success.
As leaders in tomorrow’s world, we have to instil in them the confidence to use their ingenuity, wisdom and compassion to shape a glorious future. We need to give them the skills to accept uncertainty and embrace the inevitable changes that lie ahead.
Harnessing the benefits of older workers
The landscape of our workforce is changing as we are living longer. By 2022 the number of people in the workforce aged 50 to State Pension age will have risen to 13.8 million and the number aged 16-49 will have reduced by 700,000. Given these changes the Government are working with businesses to ensure everyone – Government, employers and individuals - can adapt accordingly to the changing face of the workforce.
An Age UK study showed that older workers are as productive and willing to work as flexibly as their younger counterparts and far from the scare stories that older workers crowd out younger workers, an IFS study found this was certainly not the case. As our workforce ages, taking better advantage of the skills and experience of our more senior workers will boost the economy.
According to Saga, “many employers recognise the great work ethic, experience and life skills that older employees offer.” Through various schemes thousands of older people find work, many of whom are utilising their years of experience to help their younger colleagues. Supporting those who chose to set up their own business, giving them a chance to build the kind of retirement they envisage for themselves.
What’s happening Locally
Satellite Offices
In Hampshire, as we emerge out of lockdown and enter recovery, we are moving towards a greener and more digital working future. Offering satellite business offices in this way is just a first step to recognising our county as an even greater place to do business, in the light of the accelerating change arising from the pandemic and with all its existing advantages as a flagship green economic powerhouse and international gateway.
Hampshire’s beautiful countryside, vibrant market towns, excellent connectivity and proximity to the capital make it the perfect location for London-based companies to set up satellite offices and keep their business going, while offering an enviable and attractive work-life balance for their employees.
The campaign – Make Hampshire work for you – has been devised by the County Council’s Economic Development service, Business Hampshire, in collaboration with local authority partners, and invites London commuters to Work Smarter – Live Happier – Commute Closer.
Free EU Exit support in the Solent
Businesses based in the Solent area can now get up to five hours, free, one-to-one support to help keep their business moving.
Now that the UK has left the EU, doing business with Europe has changed and new rules in relation to importing, exporting, tariffs, data management, hiring, immigration, and travel are now in place.
Free support to help respond to these changes is being provided to businesses in the Solent region by the Solent LEP. Their new EU Exit support service will match your business with a specialist business advisor and help you though the changes. You can sign up using the online form on the Solent LEP’s website.
Quote of the month
Focus on the step in front of you not the whole staircase
Homebody Club